Book review: Are You Awake? by Bob Shea, illustrated by Jarvis

Shea, Bob. Oh, Are You Awake? Illustrated by Jarvis. Candlewick Press, 2024. 32 pages. $17.99 cloth. ISBN 978-15362-26584. Ages 4-6. P8Q8

It is bedtime for Penguin and Lion. But Lion’s brain and eyes are not tired at all, and Penguin is trying to coax Lion into a bedtime story. Lion keeps asking questions and bouncing around as Penguin tries to nod off. The illustrations and text reflect how awake Lion is, and how tired Penguin is. Of course, in the end, Penguin figures out how to get Lion to join them in slumber.

VERDICT: This is a fun story full of simple yet colorful illustrations that show the high energy of Lion and the quiet sleepy energy of Penguin. Every adult can struggle with a child who isn’t tired and tries to get them to sleep, so this would make a perfect tale for bedtime.

Review by Lynne Wright.

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