Book review: Hillary, by Jonah Winter, illustrated by Raul Colon

Winter, Jonah. Hillary. Il. Raul Colon. Random/Schwartz & Wade, 2016. unp. $17.99. ISBN 978-0-55353-388-0. Ages 5-8. P7Q8

Winter HillaryFollowing a humorous introduction about other strong women—Queen Elizabeth, Joan of Arc, and Rosie the Riveter—Winter goes from the young “scrappy” Hillary to her life after she leaves the White House. He stresses her drive to excel and professional accomplishments, and Colon uses Clinton photographs for his mixed-media artwork. The picture book is a portrait of a women who survives tough situations through hard work because she is “making decisions that might save lives or cost lives.” Although laudatory, the narrative covers the highlights of her extensive influence in changing the world.

May 2016 review by Nel Ward.